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Saturday 1 August 2015

Crazy things you never knew you can do with toothpaste


Crazy things you never knew you could use toothpastes for.

My favourite, you can use it to clean your #shoe in ways you didn't know was possible.
You can use it to clean you office and dinning tables 

After eating smelling food like #fufu or touching some strong #smelling substance, you can quickly wash it off using #tooth pastes

You can use toothpastes to repair CDs or DVDs with small scratches.

You can use toothpastes to clean up #piano keys

Raise the #dead :) If i hear

- See more at: http://braintem.org/twists/view/131974/#sthash.VMFxsMCr.dpuf

Crazy things you never knew you could use toothpastes for.

My favourite, you can use it to clean your #shoe in ways you didn't know was possible.
You can use it to clean you office and dinning tables 

After eating smelling food like #fufu or touching some strong #smelling substance, you can quickly wash it off using #tooth pastes

You can use toothpastes to repair CDs or DVDs with small scratches.

You can use toothpastes to clean up #piano keys

Raise the #dead :) If i hear

- See more at: http://braintem.org/twists/view/131974/#sthash.VMFxsMCr.dpuf
Crazy things you never knew you could use toothpastes for.

My favourite, you can use it to clean your #shoe in ways you didn't know was possible.
You can use it to clean you office and dinning tables 

After eating smelling food like #fufu or touching some strong #smelling substance, you can quickly wash it off using #tooth pastes

You can use toothpastes to repair CDs or DVDs with small scratches.

You can use toothpastes to clean up #piano keys

Raise the #dead :) If i hear

- See more at: http://braintem.org/twists/view/131974/#sthash.VMFxsMCr.dpuf
Crazy things you never knew you could use toothpastes for.

My favourite, you can use it to clean your #shoe in ways you didn't know was possible.
You can use it to clean you office and dinning tables 

After eating smelling food like #fufu or touching some strong #smelling substance, you can quickly wash it off using #tooth pastes

You can use toothpastes to repair CDs or DVDs with small scratches.

You can use toothpastes to clean up #piano keys

Raise the #dead :) If i hear

- See more at: http://braintem.org/twists/view/131974/#sthash.VMFxsMCr.dpuf

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